Introducing Mortex next-generation mortar
Austral Masonry has introduced Mortex, a premium premixed mortar that eliminates the need for onsite mixing.
Factory manufactured and quality assured, Mortex is a pre-blended mix of cement, specially graded sand, lime and admixtures. When mixed with water, a high-quality mortar blend is created that is in line with Australian building standards.
By accurately measuring and blending the mortar constituents in a controlled environment, consistent, homogeneous and compliant mortar is produced for stress-free use on site.
It will be available in a brick and block, as well as a roof tile bedding version and will be pre-bagged ready for use. Mortex only requires the addition of clean water, which saves time and labour costs.
Mortex is also M4 rated, meaning it is the strongest mortar blend specified in the Australian standards and is highly workable and cohesive, with a long board life. It provides a weather resistant and durable mortar that is suitable for most brick and block applications.