Pro-Visual Publishing releases new VIC Construction Guide
Pro-Visual Publishing and its partnering industry associations have launched an updated annual safety guide for the Victorian construction industry.
This edition is aimed at increasing safety awareness and reinforcing a positive safety culture and best practice in the building industry, including addressing worker’s mental health and wellbeing.
This AR interactive guide is distributed free throughout Australia and covers vital information to assist construction businesses to remain compliant to enable safer work practices and keep them up to date with the latest industry programs and support.
With Guides tailored to each State, the series aims to educate with a focus on creating a culture of Zero Harm, helping to make sure everyone arrives home safe from work, every day.
Topics covered include:
- The Positive Plans – Positive Futures Project developed by CCF Victoria and supported by WorkSafe to assist with workplace mental health action plans.
- The new combustible cladding guidelines covering prohibited products, the law, permits and disposal.
- COVID-19 guidelines for minimising risk of transmission on site.
- Risk management and controls for falls from height.
Users can access additional resources that supplement the text topics by downloading the free Pro-Vis AR app and scanning AR icons in each section with their phone. This makes learning more engaging and the wall guide becomes a useful go-to piece for managers and workers whether referencing it solo or as part of a training group.