ACA welcomes Federal Budget funding for national construction forum
The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has welcomed the inclusion of funding in this year’s Federal Budget to establish the National Construction Industry Forum (NCIF).
ACA chief executive officer Jon Davies says the NCIF will provide a tripartite forum to transform the construction industry, as other sectors have, so we can emerge as a worldwide leader and industry of choice for future generations of workers.
“The NCIF marks a significant step forward for the construction industry, enabling greater collaboration and cooperation amongst industry stakeholders to drive positive change,” Jon says.
“But to address the industry’s challenges, government, industry and unions must leave behind the baggage of history.”
At the Future of Construction Summit last week, the ACA pledged to improve the culture of the construction by embedding flexibility on all member projects, achieving the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation across 75% of members by 2028 and attracting a new wave of talent to sustain the industry.
“The pledge represents just the beginning of our efforts to improve the culture and sustainability of the construction industry which is crucial for providing the nation with social and economic enabling infrastructure. This commitment complements our active participation in the Construction Industry Culture Taskforce,” Jon says.