Author: Staff Writer
Payment disputes with residential clients
While we’d all prefer otherwise, payment disputes are an unfortunate component of the building game. Anthony Igra describes a typical scenario and ways to avoid it ... -
Grist for the mill
In a small sleepy town in northern NSW, a parquetry mill is coming back to life. There’s been a parquetry mill in South Grafton, NSW, for ... -
Fire rated foam – a killer?
The use of so-called ‘fire rated’ foams for fire stopping of service penetrations or control joints is sadly becoming more prevalent here in Australia. This trend ... -
Are you buying a business or a job?
When starting out or developing a business, most owners of architecture and building firms typically channel all their energy into growing the business – after all, ... -
Concrete fire spalling
Fire spalling can drastically reduce the fire resistance of a concrete structure. During a PhD study, significant differences in spalling behaviour of concrete were found under ... -
World’s tallest timber for Australia
The use of cross laminated timber is gaining popularity around the world, and Australia will soon have its own multi-level residential building constructed from structural timber ... -
No blinds required
A company in the US is introducing windows that can tint on demand to control how much heat and light they let in, thus reducing HVAC ... -
Delivering user friendly buildings
Whether it be a large commercial building, an industrial site, a multi-unit residential or a single residential house, good passive design can significantly improve user comfort ... -
Architecture in glass
Frameless glass has long been admired for the style and convenience it can bring to any environment. As prices become more affordable and installation more efficient, ... -
A matter of debate
Safety nets are an open weave mesh used as a fall arrest system. In Australia, their use is currently limited to stairwells and other drop hazards ...