SMEs continue to struggle with late payments, hurting the construction industry
Data from CreditorWatch’s Business Risk Index indicates that late payments have reached their highest rate since March 2021 as overdue business-to-business payments continue to rise. Insolvencies ... -
Boral trials recycled end-of-life solar panels as sand for concrete
Boral Limited has trialled recycled sand for concrete using crushed glass from end-of-life and damaged solar panels. It has been created for Victoria’s North East Link ... -
Australian first study highlights rapid rise of silicosis in artificial stone work
An Australian first Monash study shows the rapid rise of silicosis linked to artificial stonework. Australia is the first country to ban artificial stone in January ... -
New home construction rates show positive signs, still require vast increase
Australia started construction on 43,247 new homes during the first three months of the National Housing Accord according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. These figures ... -
Sustainable ‘cardboard’ homes could become resource-efficient temporary solution
A pioneering approach to resource-efficient building design from several universities and industry partners could give people quicker access to high-quality temporary homes after disasters like flooding. ... -
Research shows commercial construction industry under immense pressure
The commercial construction industry is undergoing immense pressure with unprecedented demand and worker shortages amid nationwide residential construction drive according to a study by E1. The ... -
Quarterly data reveals decline in apprentices and trainees in training
The latest data released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has revealed a decline in the total number of apprentices and trainees in-training ... -
Coffee concrete debuts in major infrastructure project
An innovation developed at RMIT University has been used for the first time in its major infrastructure project after being laid into a footpath along a ... -
Engineers design flat-pack tube ‘origami’ building material
This breakthrough was made possible by a self-locking system inspired by curved-crease origami, a technique that uses curved crease lines in paper folding. Lead researchers Ting-Uei ... -
Builder report shows the way forward for solving workforce shortages
Master Builders Australia (MBA) has released its Future of the Workforce report, which forecasts the building and construction industry needing 130,000 additional workers this year to ...