Author: Sean Carroll
Housing led stimulus can catapult Victoria out of pandemic-economic mire
The Victorian government has announced over $5 billion to social housing projects which can propel the state’s economy out of recession and save thousands of building ... -
UNSW finds way to create green aluminium out of waste
UNSW’s Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT) Centre has found a way that could start a new ‘green aluminium’ manufacturing revolution and bolster the government’s budget ... -
Jirsch Sutherland: don’t ignore insolvency warning signs
Business recovery and insolvency firm Jirsch Sutherland has pointed out that 12 November 2020 marks just 50 days until a number of key stimulus measures come ... -
Strata buildings save up to $60k each in annual electricity with green solar deal
Switching to renewable energy sources, 64 strata buildings in NSW will change from coal-generated electricity plans to green solar electricity, saving a total of $681,000 annually ... -
Different experiences from building supplier Foamex during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on a number of industries including Australian building and construction in both residential and commercial spaces. Australian manufacturer ... -
ANZ construction industry rapidly adopting technology in 2020
Head contractors in the Australian and New Zealand construction industries are adopting technology in response to COVID-19 according to a study by Autodesk. The research report, ... -
The road to recovery for the construction industry
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, product innovation, complete solutions and adding value to productivity are key to rebuilding the construction industry according to DEWALT Engineered ... -
RS Components level up safety range with Blundstone Boots
RS Components has started working with Australian safety footwear company Blundstone. Developed by a team based in Hobart, Blundstone abides by the Australian safety standard AS ... -
Green Star eliminating natural gas and electrifying buildings
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is pushing to eliminate natural gas in buildings with the biggest overhaul of its Green Star rating system in ... -
NSW CFMEU uncovers number of safety issues on Probuild’s Bathurst st
The NSW branch of the CFMEU has uncovered a number of safety issues on Brobuild’s Bathurst st site including black mould in amenities rooms, inaccessible fire ...