CFMEU: Federal Budget short-changes apprentices
The CFMEU has warned that construction apprentices will be short-changed by the Federal Budget announced yesterday, saying it does nothing to improve the declining apprenticeship completion ... -
Kennards Hire launches Trade Easy service
Kennards Hire has launched its Trade Easy service which aims to make tradies lives easier, letting them hire equipment wherever they are and whenever. Despite only ... -
NCC 2022 public comment stage one is now open
The Australian Building Codes Board is now welcoming comment of stage one of the NCC 2022 public comment draft (PCD), asking building and construction professionals to ... -
VBA enforcing state-wide cladding audit
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA), through a state-wide cladding audit, has linked dozens of building practitioners to 790 properties for unsafe, non-compliant combustible cladding. The audit ... -
Regulator warns of silent killer in Victorian homes
As gas heaters fire up in homes across Victoria this winter, the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is alerting plumbers and consumers to the deadly risk of ... -
Building capability in construction
The Civil Construction Federation (CCF) Victoria says the construction industry could be facing a “perfect storm” of mental health issues with the expectation that the industry ... -
VBA welcomes accessible housing reforms
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has welcomed the adoption of mandatory accessibility standards in the National Construction Code. The new mandatory standards, which will take effect ... -
MATES in Construction: Suicide prevention is finally in focus
MATES in Construction has said that the recent action from the federal government is a turning point in the discussion about suicide prevention in the community. ... -
Calls for government to help remediate asbestos tainted soil on public land
Asbestos is still an issue despite the steps Australia has taken to remove it. There is an estimated millions of tonnes of tainted soil estimated to ... -
Post-tensioning scheme launched to boost construction sector
CARES has engaged with construction industry stakeholders to develop new standards for post-tensioning, a method for reinforcing concrete with high-strength steel strands or bars. In consulting ...