Digital insights to improve building quality
Boosting industry capability to implement the NSW Government’s building reforms has required targeted research to understand the current state of digital use among designers and contractors. ... -
Australia’s construction industry has second largest pay gap – and it’s widening
August 31, is Equal Pay Day, a date representing the additional 61 days a female must work to earn the same amount as a male colleague ... -
Draft NCC 2022 provisions an important step change for energy efficient homes
The Australian Building Codes Board has released draft National Construction Code provisions on energy-efficient residential buildings for public consultation. The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) ... -
Construction workers at risk of developing occupational lung diseases
Safe Work Australia has launched a national campaign to raise awareness of occupational lung diseases and to educate persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) on ... -
Building surveyors penalised for not complying with code
Four Victorian building surveyors were penalised a total of more than $30,000 for issuing permits for building work that would not comply with the Building Code ... -
CFMEU: NSW must stop discriminating against construction workers
The CFMEU has said that the NSW Government’s decision to deny construction workers from LGAs of concern being able to use rapid antigen testing as a ... -
From lockdown to supply chain strain – builders face new legal minefield
The building and construction industry has been battered by lockdowns. As Bartier Perry Lawyers predict, the new challenges of growing supply chain constraints mean they’re at ... -
Mental health: An important building block in construction
Every August, the construction industry celebrates Tradies National Health Month, a period in which companies raise awareness of the health and injury hazards associated with trade ... -
Kubota partners with Holmesglen Institute for safety training
Kubota Australia has partnered with Holmesglen Institute to safely train the next generation of civil and building construction workers. With the Victorian Government committing to building ... -
CCF SA supports multi-billion dollar path ahead for civil construction
The Civil Contractors Federation SA (CCF SA) supports the multi-billion dollar civil constriction industry path ahead that was unveiled at the Great Infrastructure Debate at Adelaide ...